MOSCOW TIME: 13.02.2025 15:43:09



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Taiwanese delegation to promote agriculture in Russia

A Council of Agriculture-led delegation from Taiwan is to travel to Moscow on Wednesday next week to take part in a two-day promotion of Taiwanese agricultural products. Russia imports more than US$28 billion in agricultural produce, while yam exports to Russia could reach NT$300 per kilogram, the council said. China, the US and Japan would remain the major export destinations for the nation’s agricultural products, but ...

Modified: 21.08.2019
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Russia, China to reach $200 bln worth of trade turnover by 2024

Moscow and Beijing have set the target of boosting trade turnover to $200 bln by 2024, China’s new Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui told reporters. According to the figures provided by China’s General Administration of Customs, trade turnover between Russia and China increased by 4.7% in January-July period of 2019 year-on-year to $61.13 bln. The growth trend emerged in 2016 when Russia-China trade turnover gained 2.2% in annual terms to $69.52 bln. In 2017, it surged by 20.8% year-on-year...

Modified: 21.08.2019
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The trade turnover between Russia and the countries of the EU increased

During the first six months of 2019, the trade turnover between Russia and the countries of the European Union increased 0.8% year-on-year up to 122.5 bn euro. According to Eurostat, import from EU countries into Russia was up 2.1% making 43 bn euro. Export from Russia to the European Union declined by 2.3% down to 79.5 bn euro. Among the largest importers to the EU countries, Russia occupies the fourth position after USA, China and ...

Modified: 20.08.2019
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Car and Truck Import and Export

... to 9.9 thousand units worth $148.1 mn, up 22.2% year-on-year and down 3.4% month-on-month. Truck export in June was down 9.1% both year-on-year and month-on-month to 1 thousand units worth $27.3 mn, up 21.3% year-on-year and 17.2% month-on-month. Car import during January-June 2019 amounted to 143.7 thousand units, up 3.9% year-on-year. Truck import increased by 40.6% year-on-year up to 9 thousand units. In terms of value, car import during H1 2019 increased by 4.6% year-on-year up to $2.5 bn. Truck ...

Modified: 19.08.2019
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Bangladesh to import 100,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia

Bangladesh will pay $267.30 a tonne, which includes cost, insurance and freight, and other port-related expenses, two officials with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters. The price for Russian wheat in the Black Sea region, from where Bangladesh imports wheat as supply from India dwindled, was $195 per tonne for the 12.5% protein variety for February supply, on a free-on-board (FOB) basis at the end of last week, according to agricultural consultancy IKAR. The import price is slightly lower than ...

Modified: 19.07.2019
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Russian Tractors Were Imported By 26 Countries

... supplies covered 26 countries including Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Canada, Moldova, Georgia, the USA, Uganda, Germany and Estonia. These countries accounted for 97% of Russia’s tractors export. For this period among the fastest-growing importers of Russian tractors there were Kazakhstan (+$4.6 mln), Canada (+$394 thous.), Georgia (+$312 thous.), Uganda (+$240 thous.), the USA (+$182 thous.), Germany (+$107 thous.), Estonia (+$100 thous.), and Ukraine (+$42 thous.).

Modified: 17.07.2019
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Who Supplies Contact Lens To Russia

In 2018 Russia’s import of contact lens was 47 times as much as its export. Russia imported contact lens for the total amount of $141.24 mln (+4% compared to 2017), while Russia’s export of this good stood at $2.97mln. In 2018 Russia imported contact lens from 15 countries....

Modified: 21.06.2019
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Vietnamese firms plan penetration into potential Russian market

... two major products of Vietnam’s light industry. Still, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association commented that export intensification to the Russian market has faced lots of difficulties and barriers requiring careful market research to clarify importers’ potential and expectation and regular contact to create long term tie. The association prompts Vietnamese firms intending to promote investment in the Russian market to build a strategy to penetrate into Russia, develop human resource in the ...

Modified: 13.06.2019
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Ukraine Increased Import Of Russian Fireclay

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, from January to February, 2019 Ukraine imported from Russia 435.8 tons of fireclays for the total amount of $43.5 thous. Thus Ukraine had a 37-fold increase in terms of fireclay import volume and a 45-fold increase in terms of import value. Russian fireclay exported to Ukraine was supplied ...

Modified: 08.05.2019
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Who Bought Russian Buckwheat in January-February, 2019

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, for the first two months of 2019 Russia’s buckwheat export has amounted to 8.2 thous. tons and decreased by 22.8% compared to the same period of 2018. Nevertheless, the export value has gone up by 4.7% to $2.65 mln. For this period Russia has exported buckwheat to China (almost 5 thous. tons of buckwheat for the total amount of $1.4 mln), Japan (2.7 thous. tons, $1.1 mln), Mongolia (203 tons, $54.4 thous.), Armenia (136 tons, $52 thous.), Serbia...

Modified: 08.05.2019
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Russia 2019–2023: Apple imports will increase

In the period from 2014 to 2018, apple imports to the Russian market decreased by 23% from 1.13 to 0.87 million tons. Last year, Moldova became the main supplier of apples to the Russian market with a volume of 245,8 00 tons (28.3% of total Russian imports). China ranked second in shipments,...

Modified: 23.04.2019
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Russian company orders 2 tons of mangoes a week from Guimaras growers

... breakthrough for us in the Eastern European market. We’re hoping that this will be the beginning of our entry into the European market,” Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol told reporters. The DA has said that it is expecting mango imports to Russia to start as early as April. Foreign demand for mangoes has been building up in the past two years pending development of sufficient capacity in the Guimaras mango industry and other key growing areas like Zambales, Pangasinan, Cebu, ...

Modified: 22.04.2019
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Russian car imports

Vehicle imports to Russia have been growing for almost two years alongside the recovery in sales in the domestic market. In 2018, the country imported 293,100 finished vehicles, up almost 10% compared with the same period the previous year, according to the ...

Modified: 04.04.2019
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Italy and Latvia Increased Beet Pulp Import From Tambov Region

... countries, including Latvia (54.5%), Finland (18.7%), Italy (7.8%), Spain (6.8%), Lithuania (5.1%), Denmark (4%), the United Kingdom (2.6%), Ireland (0.3%), Japan (0.1%), and Ukraine (0.02%). Italy and Latvia almost doubled the volume of beet pulp import from Tambov Region. The supplies to Latvia reached 83 thous. tons worth $11.2 mln (+81%), while supplies to Italy amounted to 11.5 thous. tons worth $1.6 mln (+98%).

Modified: 21.03.2019
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Chilean Cheese Is Here To Stay

Russia has become the largest importer of Chilean cheese at the beginning of 2019. According to the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies of Chile (ODEPA), from January to February, 2019 Chile has exported to Russia 663 tons of cheese, it is a 28% increase compared to the ...

Modified: 21.03.2019
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Wheat And Meslin Export Went Up By 19.1% in January 2019

... and meslin amounted to $519.9 mln and increased by 19.1% compared to the same period of 2018. According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, the export volume reached 2.4 mln tons of grain, it is 2.4% less than the figure in January, 2018. Wheat import to Russia rose by 33% to $16.2 thous. tons. The import value stood at $3.7 mln (a 2.3-fold increase). In January Russia’s import of corn amounted to 7.2 thous. tons, it is a 30.8% decrease compared to previous year’s January. The corn import ...

Modified: 21.03.2019
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Egypt Is The Leading Importer Of Sunflower Oil From Lipetsk Region

In 2018 Lipetsk Region’s export of sunflower oil increased sixfold to $111.06 mln compared to $18.797 mln in 2017. In 2018 Lipetsk Region supplied this good to 7 countries. Alongside with Egypt that became the largest importer ($55.12 mln), sunflower oil was also imported by Turkey ($29.2 mln), the Islamic Republic of Iran ($16.81 mln), Iraq ($3.55 mln), Sudan ($3.28 mln), Lebanon ($1.64 mln) and Belarus ($1.47 mln). Lipetsk Region provided 6.9% of all Russia’s ...

Modified: 15.03.2019
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Ivanovo’s Textiles For Bedroom, Kitchen And Bathroom Are On Demand Abroad

... of $10.64 mln and thus increased its export both in terms of value (+10.9%) and in terms of volume (+12%) compared to 2017. Ivanovo Region exported this production to 27 countries. The largest supplies of bedroom, kitchen and bathroom textiles were imported by Germany (30.5%, $3.25 mln), the USA (21.8%, $2.32 mln) and Spain (12.7%, $1.35 mln). Besides, Ivanovo textiles supplies went to such countries as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Italy, China, Portugal, Australia, Sweden, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Ukraine,...

Modified: 15.03.2019
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The Republic of Korea Is The Largest Importer of Crustaceans From Primorye Territory

In 2018 Primorye Territory increased crustaceans export by 46.3% in terms of value and by 22% in terms of volume. The region exported 23.95 thous. tones of this production for the total amount of $282.77 mln. There were exported mainly live or chilled crabs (45.8%), frozen crabs (41.6%), and prawns as well (12.6%). The main trade partner of Primorye Territory relative to this production became the Republic of Korea that accounted for 64.4% of region’s export of crustaceans (17.23 thous. tones...

Modified: 15.03.2019
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Karelia Provided 64 Countries With Kraft Paper

In 2018 the Republic of Karelia increased the export of kraft paper and paperboard by 40.4% in terms of value and by 18.3% in terms of volume. Karelia’s export of this production stood at 279.3 thous. tones for the total amount of $240.5 mln. The Republic of Karelia became the leading exporter of these products among Russian regions. It accounted for 33.2% of Russia’s kraft paper export. This Republic was followed by the Republic of Komi (22.9%), Arkhangelsk Region (17.9%) and Irkutsk Region...

Modified: 13.03.2019
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Belorussian Yogurt Rises In Price

In 2018 Russia’s yogurt import was 21% more than its export. Import volume stood at 17.84 thous. tones worth $25.76 mln, while export volume amounted to 16.04 thous. tones worth $21.27 mln. The largest supplier of yogurt to Russia became Belarus that provided 88% of all Russia’s ...

Modified: 13.03.2019
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Russia’s Export And Import Of Pharmaceuticals Containing Insulin

In 2018 Russia’s import of pharmaceutical preparations containing insulin exceeded its export almost fourfold. The import value of this production stood at $88.61 mln, while the export value amounted to only $23.34 mln. In 2018 the insulin preparations import reduced ...

Modified: 07.03.2019
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Russia’s Export To The USA Increased By 18%

In 2018 Russia’s export to the USA increased by 18% (+$2 bn) compared to 2017 and amounted to $12.5 bn. One of the main Russian high-technology goods exported to the USA became jet engines ($280 mln), which accounted for 2% of Russia’s export to this country. Almost all Russian jet engines supplies to the USA market were provided by Moscow Region (99%), the rest of jet engines was exported from Kaliningrad Region (1%).

Modified: 06.03.2019
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Italy Imports Russian Tires

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, in 2018 Italy entered the top ten largest importers of Russian goods with an import volume amounted to $16.4 bn (+19% or +$2.6 bn compared to 2017). Among the major goods exported by Russia to Italy in 2018 there were tires. Russia’s tire export to Italy stood at $43.3 mln. The main regional ...

Modified: 05.03.2019
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Russian Chicken Eggs Find A Market In The UAE

In 2018 Russia exported to the UAE fresh chicken eggs for the total amount of $12.5 mln, it is a fourfold increase compared to 2017. Almost all Russian supplies of this good to the UAE were provided by Leningrad Region. The UAE is the largest importer of Russian chicken eggs. Besides, Russia exported this production to 16 countries, including Mongolia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Japan, the USA, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea and other countries.

Modified: 05.03.2019
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The USA And Singapore Expand Russian Caviar Import

In 2018 Russia’s import of sturgeon caviar stood at $2.3 mln. The largest importers of this production from Russia became the USA and Singapore. The caviar export to Singapore went up by 45% compared to 2017 and amounted to $146.4 thous. These supplies were provided ...

Modified: 04.03.2019
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China Imported Russian Turbojet Engines Worth $1.2 bn

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, in 2018 China became the largest importer of Russia’s export. Thus, the volume of Russian export supplies to China reached $56 bn, it is a 44% increase (+$17.1 bn) compared to 2017. One of the major goods exported by Russia to China was turbojets engines of a thrust exceeding 25 ...

Modified: 04.03.2019
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The Czech Republic Imported Russian Grand Pianos Worth $40.7 Thous

In 2018 the Czech Republic imported from Russia grand pianos for the total amount of $40.7 thous. Before there were no Russian supplies of this production to this country. All supplies of Russian grand pianos to the Czech Republic were provided by St. Petersburg city. In 2018 ...

Modified: 04.03.2019
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The USA, France, China, Italy: Who Else Buys Russian Music Boxes?

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, in 2018 Russia’s export of music boxes went up by 15% and amounted to $24.1 thous. Russian music boxes were imported by such countries as Kazakhstan, the USA, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, France, China, the Netherlands, Italy, Turkmenistan and Chile. The largest music box exporters among Russian regions were St. Petersburg city (32% of export value), Moscow city ...

Modified: 01.03.2019
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Japanese Like Sausages From Russia

In 2018 Russia exported to Japan 40 tons of sausages for the total amount of $70.5 thous. It is a 15-fold increase in terms of value compared to 2017 and a 517-fold increase compared to 2016. Thus Russia’s sausage export to Japan has been growing rapidly.  Besides supplies to Japan, in 2018 Russia expanded sausage export to such countries as the UAE ($28 thous., +510% compared to 2017), Georgia ($39 thous., +68%), India ($21 thous., a 21-fold increase), and the Republic of Korea ($60 thous...

Modified: 01.03.2019
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Polypropylene imports into Russia slumped 41%

Polypropylene (PP) imports into Russia slumped 41% in the first month of 2019 to 8,500 tonnes, with propylene homopolymer (homopolymer PP) accounting for the greatest decrease, according to MRC’s DataScope report. Russian companies reduced PP imports in January under ...

Modified: 01.03.2019
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Export from Russia to the European Union was up 16%

In 2018 the trade turnover between Russia and the countries of the European Union increased 9.7% year-on-year up to 253.1 bn euro. According to Eurostat, import from EU countries into Russia declined by 0.8% down to 85.3 bn euro. Export from Russia to the European Union was up 16% to 168.1 bn euro. Among the major importers from the EU, Russia occupies the fourth position after the USA, China and Switzerland....

Modified: 28.02.2019
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In 2018 Russia’s Antiques Import Increased Thirtyfold

In 2018 Russia’s import of antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years amounted to $20.5 mln and was 30 times as much as the figure of 2017. Such a rapid import growth was caused by the emergence of a new large supplier, namely Switzerland. According to the Federal ...

Modified: 27.02.2019
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The Republic Of Tyva Almost Tripled Its Export In 2018

In 2018 the Republic Of Tyva’s export had a 2.8-fold increase compared to 2017 and amounted to $117 mln. The export growth was caused by the emergence of new markets, namely China, the Republic of Korea, Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan (China), Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In 2017 Tuva did not exported goods to these countries. Region’s supplies to China ($31.1 mln) had the major influence on Tyva’s export growth. In 2018 the Republic Of Tyva exported goods to the following countries:...

Modified: 26.02.2019
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China Imported 10.6 Thous. Ton Of Russian Chocolate Sweets In 2018

In 2018 China imported from Russia 10.6 thous. Ton of chocolate sweets (without alcohol filling), it is a 28% increase compared to 2017. The export value of these supplies amounted to $24.5 mln. China is the second largest importer of Russian chocolate sweets. In ...

Modified: 25.02.2019
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Russia’s Apple Import Significantly Exceeds Its Export

In 2018 Russia’s apple import was 125 times as much as its export. The country imported 844 thous. t of apples for the total amount of $517.4 mln, while it exported only 11.7 thous. t of this good worth $4.11 mln. The largest apple suppliers to Russia were Serbia (20.7%) ...

Modified: 22.02.2019
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Russia’s Export To Norway Went Up

In 2018 Russia-Norway trade turnover amounted to $1.62 bn, it is a 2.5-fold increase compared to 2017. The turnover growth was caused by a 1.5-fold increase of Russia’s export supplies to Norway ($1.14 bn). Russia’s import from Norway reduced by 26% and stood at $480.3 mln. Russia exported to Norway mostly distillates (28%), rapeseed oil (13%), crude oil and oil products (10%), unwrought non-alloy aluminum (8%), calcium phosphate (5%), wheat gluten (3.8%), liquefied ...

Modified: 21.02.2019
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Fresh Anchovy From Sri Lanka

According to the Federal Custom Service of Russia, in 2018 Russia reduced fresh anchovy import both in terms of value and in terms of volume. Russia imported 51.6 kg of fresh anchovy (-19% compared to 2017) for the total amount of $546. Fresh anchovy were supplied to Russian market by Sri Lanka. In 2018 there was no Russia’s export ...

Modified: 20.02.2019
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Russia Imported Angola Diamonds Worth $30 mln

... export supplies to Russia ($30 mln versus $20.4 thous. in 2017). Such a rapid export growth was caused by Angola’s diamond supplies to Russian market. This good accounted for 99.7% ($29.899 mln) of all country’s export to Russia. In 2017 Russia imported from Angola turbojet engines, granite and telephones. There were no diamond supplies. In 2018 the largest diamond supplier to Russia was Armenia (46%). Angola ranked second (22%). Other large suppliers included Belgium (13%), India (9%), Israel ...

Modified: 20.02.2019
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Russia Is The Largest Trade Partner Of Lithuania

According to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, Russia remains the major trade partner of this Baltic republic. In 2018 Lithuania’s export to Russia accounted for 14% of all export volume and increased by 1.4% to €3.974 bn. Country’s import from Russia provided 14.8% of import volume and stood at ˆ4.58 bn. Besides, in 2018 Lithuania exported considerable volume of goods to Latvia (9.7%), Poland (8.2%) and Germany (7.3%). Alongside with Russia, these countries (Germany, Poland and ...

Modified: 18.02.2019
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Import Of Crushed Stone To Russia To Be Restricted

From February 12 to August 11, 2019 crushed stone and gravel import to Russia will be allowed only under a license. An exemption will be granted to the EAEU member countries. This restriction will be extended to stone dust that is produced in the process of crushed stone and gravel manufacturing, and also to ...

Modified: 18.02.2019
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Russia’s Export To China Exceeded Its Import

For the first time in 12 years Russia’s export to China exceeded its import by $3.9 bn. In 2018 the bilateral trade turnover increased by 25% and reached $108 bn. Russia’s export amounted to $56.1 bn and went up by 44%, while Russia’s import rose by 8%, RBK noted with the reference to the Federal Custom Service....

Modified: 12.02.2019
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About 400 Thous. Tn Of Russian Wheat To Be Supplied To Syria

In 2017 and 2018 Syria imported about 2.2 mln tn of wheat. Nearly 90% of wheat supplies were provided by Russia, the rest 10% were exported by Romania and Bulgaria. In 2018 alone Syria imported 1.5 mln tn of wheat from Russia. At this moment Syrian government is planning ...

Modified: 11.02.2019
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Import Of Passenger Cars Rose, Import of Lorries Fell

In 2018 import of passenger cars to Russia increased. There were imported 293.1 thous. cars (+9.5% compared to 2017) for the total amount of $7.26 bn (+8%). The amount of lorries imported to Russia decreased to 26.2 thous. (-18%), while their import value ...

Modified: 11.02.2019
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Russia-India Trade Turnover Increased

For 10 months of 2018 Russia-India trade turnover amounted to $8.5 bn and increased by 17% compared to the same period of 2017. Russia’s export went up by 21% to $5.9 bn, while its import increased by 8.7% to $2.6 bn. The significant share of Russia’s export to India was constituted by machinery (engines, industrial equipment and spare parts). Other major export goods were mineral products (petroleum oils and oil products, bituminous ...

Modified: 07.02.2019
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Switzerland Became The Largest Importer Of Russian Aluminum

According to the custom data, from January to November, 2018 Russia exported to Switzerland 836.5 thous. tn of aluminum and articles thereof for the total amount of $1.26 bn. For this period the largest importers of Russian aluminum (along with Switzerland) were Japan, the Netherlands, the USA, Turkey and the Republic of Korea. However, there was a decline of supplies to traditional buyers of Russian aluminum, namely to the USA, Japan, Turkey and the ...

Modified: 07.02.2019
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Ukraine’s Export To Russia Reduced By 7%

For 11 months of 2018 the export of Ukrainian goods to Russia reduced by 7% and stood at $3.3 bn. Within a year Ukraine’s trade deficit with Russia reached $4.08 bn. For the first six months of 2018 Russia was the largest foreign investor in Ukraine. Russia accounted for 34.6% of all foreign investments in Ukraine’s national economy ($436 mln).

Modified: 07.02.2019
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Belarus Expanded Import Of Belgorod Corn

... exported to Belarus (66%) and Turkey (34%). From January to November, 2018 this production was exported by Belgorod only to Belarus. Export supplies of corn to this country tripled both in terms of value and volume. For the same period of 2017 Belarus imported more than 9 thous. tn of corn worth $1.48 mln.

Modified: 06.02.2019
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Chilean Dried Plums On Russian Tables

Russia’s import of dried plums was 116 times as much as its export. Moreover, the import volume increased, while the export volume reduced. For 11 months of 2018 Russia imported 17.6 thous. tn of dried plums (+48.8%) worth $33.8 mln (+49.2%). Russia’s ...

Modified: 05.02.2019
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Russia’s Demand For Shark Meat Declines

From January to November, 2018 Russia decreased the import of frozen shark meat by 32.3% in terms of value and by 25.6% in terms of volume compared to the same period of 2017. Russia imported 193 tn of this production for the total amount of $384.5 thous. The number of shark meat suppliers also reduced....

Modified: 05.02.2019
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04.12.2019 TVEL completes the contract for supply of fuel pellets to India for Tarapur NPP

TVEL JSC has shipped to India the final consignment of uranium  fuel pellets for BWR reactors and thereby fulfilled the relevant contract with the Department of Atomic En...

26.09.2019 Vietnam-Russia Bilateral Ties Deepen, Boost Investment

Russia was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam, laying the groundwork for a strong bilateral and economic relationship between the countries.

04.09.2019 Russia’s trade turnover with African states up 17% in 2018

Russia’s trade turnover with the African states increased by more than 17% in 2018 to $20.4 bln. A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS that the majority of...



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About the models of business development in another country and professional secrets is told by a practicing expert on work in international markets Anna Trubetskaya

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