Higher education can be a profitable export business, provided the system is built correctly and qua...
Russian Chemists Union
The Russian Chemists Union is a noncommercial organization which unites the enterprises of chemical sector, scientific research institute, the unions and associations of a chemical orientation, vertically - integrated structures of Russia. Nowadays about 600 enterprises and chemists organizations from 34 subjects of the Russian Federation, and also the company and their representation of Latvia, Georgia, Ukraine, France, Germany, the USA are members of the Russian Union.
The organizational structure of the Union will consist of 43 members of Council which include directors of the largest enterprises, institutes, the organizations, and deserved people of branch.
The Union is in constant interaction with bodies of federal and regional authority in operatively - current work: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Economics and developments of the Russian Federation, executives and controlling bodies of Russian Federation, Agency on the industry, administrations of regions, etc.
The Russian Union of chemists organizes and supports 21 Russian exhibition actions, from them 14 pass in Moscow, 6 - in the Russian regions and 3 - abroad. The union traditionally is the organizer of the International Chemical Summit in Moscow.
The basic purpose of the Union are:
protection and representation the interests of domestic commodity producers,
participation in expert work with the state, public, international authorities in various questions, including on « Strategy of development of chemical and petrochemical industries till 2015»,
work on improvement of economic conditions and increase of competitiveness in the international and national markets,
creation of reliable conditions of workers’ social security
The union pays the great attention to cooperation with other sectoral unions and organizations. The RCU is a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), the Rusprodunion, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. On base of the RCU is created the Commission in chemistry and petrochemistry RSPP.
The Russian Chemists Union active works with business, authorities concerning the problem of explanation of European rules REACH which inures since June, 1 2008. Working with the federal law «About technical regulation» is a priority direction for the RCU in Russia.
Within several years the RCU closely cooperates with the ICCA, with the CEFIC, with Confederation of the chemical industry of Finland and others international organizations.
The Russian Chemists Unin conducts fruitful work with the global program «Responsible Care», recommended by the United Nations to all countries. Action of the program «Responsible Care» is distributed in spheres of the safety precautions, labour safety and ecology. In 2007 Russia, on behalf of the Russian Chemists Union has entered Committee on realization the program at a national level and has been accepted in the leader group of the countries working by techniques of the given program. Russia became 53-rd state working based on standards of the program «Responsible Care».
17, of 80, Lobachika St., Moscow, 107113, RussiaTel/Fax + 7 (499) 264-50-22
Tel. + 7 (926) 264-56-11
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